Distraction Pieces Podcast With Scroobius Pip

Films Of The Year: 2021 • Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip #427



Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip!The very merriest, happiest and healthiest of new years to you all and all the very best for what's to come in 2022. Let's make it one for the books... Not that any year in previous history has not been one for the books - but still, let's do what we can. All this talk of books though is not helping the cause of todays episode - for this is the tradition as old as time itself, where your dutiful cinephile host Scroobius Pip takes you on a walk in the woods to break down his films of the year list for the past 12 months!As always, and I know you know this by now, but it bears repeating - this is PIPS LIST! If any films are mentioned that did not make your own personal list, or if your list contains films that aren't on Pips list, all is well. No need to grumble. This is a celebration of film which you are welcome to - not a film dis-fest or argument over what is or isn't worthy. All positive energy, all good and healthy input. Let's