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How One Doc “Biohacked” Her Hormones and Reclaimed Her Life



What if you weren't just a statistic?What if you were a single human being, with unique genes, biology, chemistry and needs? And what if the "generic" approach to "fixing" what ailed you didn't work?Over the last 10 years, there has been a groundswell around an idea known as biohacking. It's about rejecting the notion that your best possible state is exactly the same as everyone else's, owning the fact that you are one person with highly unique needs and optimizing everything from your health to your performance around what works best for you. Regardless of whether anyone else responds to something different.Generic, broad-based, minimally-effective solutions are out. Running individual experiments that yield individual solutions and extraordinary outcomes is in.Enter this week's guest, physician-biohacker and author of The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried. Watching her health, mindset, sex-drive and relationships spiral downhill, she sought the advice of other doctors, but became incredibly frustrated by the gen