Coffee & Change

Episode 86: Slopes of Change with Jane Coughlin



Welcome back and thanks for listening. I am excited to kick off this season with our first guest in 2022 who will inspire you to pursue your passion and chase your dreams across the country and down the slopes. Jane Coughlin is a Change Management Consultant turned Certified Ski Instructor whose story showcases the importance of taking risks, listening to your heart and manifesting joy in your life. Sometimes finding joy means reconfiguring everything you have worked toward and built around you, and Jane reminds us there is always time to make a change and listen to that small voice in your head. Join me in this conversation with a courageous leader and generous heart as we learn how to navigate the turns, twists and jumps in this one wild and precious life. The day we connected for this conversation, Jane had just received her Level 1 Certification as a Ski Instructor. Thank you to Jane for joining to share this story.