Marriage University With Tina Haisman

How to Practice Holistic Self-Care



Do you feel like you are living your life energetically and enthusiastically, or are you wondering how you are supposed to find all of the energy to get everything done?   If you’re on the struggle bus in the energy department, you may be in need of some soul-filling self-care. Know that you are not alone. Many of us struggle with this from time-to-time. We’ve got to fill ourselves up in order to keep giving in the way that we want to.   We know this. But we are so busy that we don’t do it.   The problem with this is: 1)     We become grumpy and unhappy. And stressed. 2)    This creates conflict and strain in our relationships. 3)    We are not present in the moments with our loved ones, and so we miss out on what is currently happening.   So, we’ve got to start taking care of ourselves in mind, body, heart and soul so that we can experience peace and joy in the present moment. Tune into this episode of the podcast to learn a life-changing method for holistic self-care that is so simple, you can start