Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Immunity, health and the gut - Wade Lightheart #262



I start today's podcast with my thoughts on coronavirus. It's an unusually sober start to proceedings as I know many of you are anxious about what is occurring across the world.  Whilst I certainly wouldn't offer any health advice on coronavirus, I've talked in the podcast where I've been going for information and what's been on my mind. Then we turn our attention to immunity - something we are all keen to boost at the moment. Let's be honest, sorting out the gut is the key. It's THE thing, but it’s really hard to know where to start. It's very hard to get the right advice. Today's guest can help. Wade Lightheart. Wade is a 3-time former Canadian All-Natural Bodybuilding champion, and then he went on to found a company called BiOptimizers that specialises in digestive health. Oh he's also an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute. The company's called BiOptimzers and so let's do some bioptimzing. He’s been in the health industry for over 25 years, coached thousands of clients, and is sought ou