Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

ZestHacks: Coffee tech and optimising your brain in 2020 #256



My favourite recent hacks to help your energy and vitality levels. Recorded on the beach - very lucky to get a dose of winter Vitamin D. More info on brain hacks: I first used this brain sensing headband about 5 years ago. Click here if you’d like to see my good friend Dr. Stephen Simpson modelling it in an earlier podcast. It is described as a personal meditation assistant that will gently guide you to a calm mind. Put on the Muse headband, earbuds, start the app, and close your eyes. You will hear changing sounds of weather based on the real-time state of your brain which allows you to obtain a deeper sense of focus and motivates you to build a highly rewarding practice. Brain hack 2 to energise you: Meditation app. You might remember I mentioned Sam Harris’ Waking Up meditation app about a year ago. And I’m still using it. It makes a big difference to my day and has got me thinking about all sorts of trippy consciousness concepts. It’s very simple, and introduces the listener to lots of different types