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Reasons to start meditating with leading expert Emily Fletcher #24



Are you a meditator? It turns out many high performers in all different areas are getting their meditation on. More and more leaders in the corporate/sporting/therapeutic worlds have been taking note of the benefits of meditation, which include lower stress levels, improved cognitive functioning, creative thinking and productivity, and even improved physical health. Oprah Winfrey is known to do 20 minutes twice a day, and tells anyone who will listen. A lot of my friends and guests on Zestology have spoken about this, so it’s time to get involved. So we want to do less, to achieve more. But how... Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in Meditation. She has been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, Awesomeness Fest & Relativity Media. Emily began her ten years of training in meditation in Rishikesh, India under world-renowned instructors. She was inspired to share this practice with others after experiencing the profound physical and mental benefits it