Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Happy stomach = increased energy and happiness with digestive expert and podcast host Sam Bearfoot #16



My personal development background is in NLP and related more to focusing on the mind. But I want Zestology to look at every area of our physical and mental health, and I know personally that when my digestion is good, I feel good. Likewise, when it's not, I feel sluggish and slow. I definitely have my ups and downs with digestion and gut health, hence today's show. Today's Zestology Podcast guest is someone who goes by the name of The Digestion Detective. Sam Bearfoot runs a successful practice here in the UK, combining kinesiology, nutrition and a number of different areas of expertise. She also hosts the popular Digestion Detective podcast and is regularly featured in major health and lifestyle publications such as Health & Fitness magazine, Daily Mirror, Prima and Cosmopolitan. She's a bit of a ledge. When you listen you'll hear: Living with more energy How to work out: what agrees with your body and what doesn't. You've heard about the importance of drinking water, but do you know when to drink it?