Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

The blue light problem that might be impacting your sleep and health with Dr. Edward Carome #14



It turns out that some of the bright lights we have in our homes and on our devices late at night can impact the depth of our sleep, and our long-term health by suppressing our melatonin levels. Basically, our bodies respond to bright 'blue light' by thinking it's daylight. Turns out the solution is the colour amber. Amber 'blue-blocking' specs, night lights and computer programs can all help us replenish our melatonin levels to get a much improved night's sleep. I especially wanted to look into this further for the many parents I know whose night-times are disrupted by their little angels waking them up. Any parents reading this, I hope you listen today, because there is a specific section for parents getting better sleep. I'm joined in this show by a celebrated physicist, and definitely one of the most distinguished guests I've spoken to on Zestology. Dr. Edward Carome led a long and distinguished career as a physicist. He was a professor of physics at John Carroll University. He’s consulted with industry a