Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#194: Entrepreneurship is About Being Non-Binary



We are never just one thing in life, and the same is true in the space of entrepreneurship.    We’ve come to understand being non-binary in relation to gender. I feel it can help us better support ourselves and flourish in ways that are far beyond gender identity.    When we view ourselves, our ideas, our lives, our hopes and dreams and these multidimensional, beautiful complex works of art, we realize we aren’t meant to fit into tiny neat little boxes.    We understand that language, information, and guidance isn't meant to put us into ridgid categories that then tell us how to be and what success looks like. Instead it helps us realize the nuance of carving out our own path based on our attributes.   That ultimately we are the captain of our ships and no one can truly tell us where we need to go.    We explore this deeper in this week's podcast.    I also touch on what can happen when people misunderstand what we mean when we say something - since very few things are universally agreed upon. As I had someon