Shahzad Sheikh

How I Survived Scary Murree Snow Experience [Pakistan Jan 2022]



Tragically over 20 people died last week while caught in a snowstorm in a holiday mountain resort of Murree in Pakistan last week. Our condolences and thoughts with the loved ones of those lost. My good friend Reza Adil, is holidaying in Islamabad, and actually tried to reach Murree shortly before the worst happened, not realising the disaster that was to unfold. Thankfully he never made it, but not without a terrifying experience for himself and his family members too, on the treacherous icy roads of a barrier-less narrow winding mountain road. Listen to his full story in this video podcast, originally recorded on my Instagram live ( Originally on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe/follow YouTube: And follow all my channels  Merch -  Love my posts? Sponsor me on   Big Thanks to Patrons:  Jay William