All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

42: Hernan Sias of BusinessBros Podcast



How do you define what you do? For today’s guest, Hernan Sias, the answer wasn’t always so simple. After years of gathering expertise and experience he realized the value in sharing knowledge and knowhow with others and thus discovered purpose. As one half of the widely successful Business Bros team, Hernan is many things but put simply, he is a salesman. One who meets people, identifies what needs they have and connects them with people who can help fill that need. Hernan shares how the business began years ago and what steps he took to grow into the consultant, teacher, and salesperson he is today. His “all in” moment came through his own venture into the podcasting space.  With his brother James, Hernan runs the Business Bros podcast to reach others with opportunity and expertise as well as a utilizing it as vehicle for reaching more clients, allowing the pair to see substantial growth. Daniel gets in the weeds with Hernan to talk about how he harnesses the power of networking to grow his business whi