Soultalk With Kute Blackson

Bonus 07: Michael Bernard Beckwith - Living A Spiritual and Authentic Life



"The universe does not do do-overs, make mistakes or repeat itself, and it does not do meaningless acts. So who we are has meaning, value and is one-of-a-kind." Episode Summary:  Success is an elusive concept. It is easy to feel unworthy or unsuccessful when comparing yourself to the rich and famous. However, celebrity and success are not necessarily synonymous. Listen to this insightful interview with Michael Beckwith, founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and learn how unlock the beauty, creativity and success in all areas of your life. Some Questions I Ask: Why are we afraid of our greatness? What would be the first steps to take on the path to surrender to a bigger vision? How can someone shift from the feeling of unworthiness to feeling enough? How much of our path is destined? How much can we control? What is the difference between being a success and being a celebrity? What does it take to be a good leader? In This Episode You Will Learn: Two things that stop pe