Soultalk With Kute Blackson

10: Arielle Ford - Happiness, Love and Embracing the Human Experience



“Who you are right now in this moment is enough. Striving for perfection is what trips everybody up. The truth is perfection doesn’t exist. We’re perfectly imperfect. Once we can accept that, we can have a life of great joy.”   Episode Summary:    The "bottom of the pit" and suicidal in her early 20's, Arielle Ford, international best-selling author, relationship expert, and successful former PR guru, takes us through her own experience on how she became an expert on relationships, love, happiness, living a life of joy and abundance, and how to keep love alive!    Some Questions I Ask:  How do you connect with your soul? How do you feel about the belief that suffering equals spirituality? Was there anything about yourself that you didn’t feel was perfect but you came to love? Looking back on your life, what do you wish you would have known? What advice would you give someone getting started in the personal growth field? Is there a book you wish you had written?   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to deal