Ask Altucher

Ep 269 James' Secret to Writing



To write well, you need to continually exercise your brain muscle. As James says, one of the best books on writing is Stephen King's book, On Writing. King says that after a bad bicycle accident, he stopped writing for a few weeks while he healed. When he got back to it, he couldn't write. He couldn't quite connect the words. James writes seven days a week and he tries to do it at his peak productivity time. When Dan Ariely was on The James Altucher Podcast earlier this year, he explained that two to four hours after you wake up are your peak hours. So if you want to be a better writer, then this is probably the best time for you to sit down and write. James wakes up about 6:00 a.m. and spends a few minutes every day "meditating." He then reads for about two hours and makes sure to read some fiction. Then it's on to writing. If you want to improve your writing skills, write every day and give yourself permission to publish something that is not great. Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge