Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#51: Grow Your Products Without Growing Your Expenses



When it comes time to expand and grow, companies often rush to create new products that inflate their overhead. But in order to stay in business, doubling your costs means you must also double your profits. If you don't it could send everything into a tailspin. Think of it this way: if your business is like an airplane, your products are your wings. They need to be strong and stable to support your overhead, or the body of your airplane. If not, your business will crash!    In today's coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Courtney Jacobsen and Kylie Mimitz, co-owners of The School of Dance in Salt Lake City, all about how to grow their product offerings without bloating their overhead. If you want to start looking at how you can serve customers and make more profit all within your current business model, lean in and listen to today's episode!   Learn more about The School of Dance in Salt Lake City at   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should