Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

O.J.-Oh! (Day-O) AUDIO parody by Loose Bruce Kerr 1995



Oct 3rd is the 26th anniversary of O.J. Simpson’s acquittal of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole. This song and photo of the 1995 PC diskette of “O.J.-oh!” (to the Harry Belafonte tune of “Day-O”) by song parodist, Loose Bruce Kerr, was the first & only song release of its kind on that medium, including stereo audio with dynamic graphics long before the popularity of the computer video revolution a decade later. It was a collaboration between engineer, Lee Baxter of Campbell, CA and Kerr of Mountain View, CA, both cities in Silicon Valley. The song’s audio track is a live performance by Loose Bruce but includes his multitrack recorded background instruments and vocals, a feature of his live solo act in the 1980’s and ‘90’s. He opened for “Weird Al” Yankovic and his song parodies and originals have played on the Dr. Demento Show over 140 times over the decades. “O.J.-oh!” reached #1 on that program’s “Funny 5” in May & June of 1995 as the O.J. criminal trial progressed toward acquital in October. The diske