Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

"I AM THERE FOR YOU" by Loose Bruce Kerr



"I AM THERE FOR YOU" is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's original song, a jazz-scat-big band sound. Bruce records his songs one instrument & vocal at a time, layering to get the final song. In this one, he sings, plays bass & piano "for real," then uses his synthesizer to compose & play each trombone, trumpet, saxophone, & set of drums, one drum or cymbal per track, then mixes it all together. "Loose Bruce" Kerr spent 20 years as a performer of music, comedy, and parodies. His parodies have been played on national TV (CNN News), radio (Dr. Demento, over 100 plays; Jim Bohannon Program, Larry King). He opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic. Eventually, Bruce resumed his earlier law practice which he had suspended and after a career at Oracle and formerly Assistant General Counsel of Sun Microsystems is semi-retired in northern California taking atty contract work from time to time. In the mid-late 60's, Bruce was a vocalist & bass player in rock band "The 5 Bucks" which became the "Byzantine Empire" during co