Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

"FRANKENANCY," comedy audio by Loose Bruce Kerr, 1991



"FRANKENANCY," the comedy audio by Loose Bruce Kerr, about Frank Sinatra & Nancy Reagan, was inspired by Kitty Kelley's book about Nancy Reagan in 1991. It tells the story of the rumored romance between those 2, using snippets of Frank Sinatra recordings to tell the story via a mock interview format. At the time, the montage received airplay on several major networks and nationally affiliated radio programs like the Dr. Demento Show and Jim Bohannon Show. Bruce received a nice thank you card note from Kitty Kelley (see picture). Loose Bruce Kerr is a songwriter, performer, and music producer living in Northern California. A native of Waukesha, Wisconsin, Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to tour the country and the Caribbean, performing as a solo, in a duo with Steve Hoeft, or in his band in New England, "Spud City." Following that 20 year span, Bruce resumed his legal career and now is a lawyer working for Oracle in Silicon Valley. His songs & videos can be heard & viewed on youtube