Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

"OY, THE WORDS HE HURLED!" ("Joy To the World") UNCENSORED AUDIO parody re Rev. Jeremiah Wright Obama-Loose Bruce Kerr



"OY, THE WORDS HE HURLED," (UNCENSORED VERSION) by Loose Bruce Kerr about Rev. Jeremiah Wright & Barak Obama, to the tune of 3 Dog Night's "Joy To the World" is Loose Bruce Kerr's latest AUDIO parody (video coming soon), about the vitriolic statements of the presidential hopeful's personal choice of preacher for 2 decades. See, also, Bruce's videos here on this podcast site as well as by searching on on YouTube. After retiring from over 2 decades of performing and writing full-time, Bruce continues to record audios and videos of his parodies and originals in his garage while holding down his day job as a high-tech lawyer for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley. Bruce is often heard on the Dr. Demento nationally syndicated radio show.email Bruce at