Paracelsus Recovery & Guests

Fireside Chat with Paracelsus Recovery's CEO Jan Gerber and Managing Partner, Pawel Mowlik.



From the outside looking in, Pawel Mowlik was living the dream. Starting off from humble origins, he became the mentee of one of Zurich’s most successful hedge-fund managers. His work ethic is impeccable, and it led him to become a multi-millionaire himself at only 22 years of age. He lived in a glamorous haze of private jets, fine dining, and parties. But Mowlik explains that there is a huge difference between the reality of that life and the fantasy, which most of us must learn the hard way. His determination and work ethic soon turned into a double-edged sword. As he climbed the ladder of success, it became hard not to feel like the ‘master of the universe.’ Mowlik wanted to do it all – attend every party, live everywhere, and work constantly, leaving him exhausted. As many ultra-successful people know, when the world never says no to you, it is hard to say no back. “I asked myself, what would I advise to someone who was as jaded as I was at that time? On the one hand, I really wanted to get out of it,