Behind The Brilliance

116 To Don't List



This week's episode is a solo talk on the 11 things we should all stop doing in 2017. A lot of "to do" lists come out near the top of the year, but I decided there were more things we should probably quit than start. 1. Being busy for the sake of being busy (instead of productive) 2. Being lazy / cutting corners 3. Avoiding hard conversations 4. Using outdated definitions of success 5. Catering to the ego 6. Waiting on perfect timing 7. Allowing feelings to be an excuse for bad behavior 8. Flaking on people and things 9. Denying the truth of who we are 10. Hoping goals will just happen 11. Procrastinating unproductively Drop a line and let me know what you thought of this episode and if it was helpful. @LisaNicolebell