Jill On Money With Jill Schlesinger

Side Hustle with Chris Guillebeau



Do you have to be an “entrepreneur,” replete with a big, fat business plan in hand, to make a little extra cash on the side? What if I told you that in 27 days you can come up with an idea, implement it, and potentially start making some extra income on the side? That is what you call a Side Hustle, which also happens to be the title of the latest book from Chris Guillebeau, this week’s guest on Better Off. While the thought of quitting your day job to pursue a business of your own may be intoxicating and even escapist, it may also be a bit unrealistic. Most of us can’t just up and quit a job that delivers a regular paycheck and benefits, to boot. But what if you could quickly and easily create an additional stream of income without giving up the security of a full-time job? Enter Chris and the Side Hustle. As someone who has launched more than a dozen side hustles over his career, Chris is more than qualified to help you select, launch and refine your new side hustle. Some of the things you’ll learn in