Jill On Money With Jill Schlesinger

Fiduciary Standard Under Fire with Megan Leonhardt and Jack Otter



Fiduciary Definition, according to Merriam-Webster: a : held or founded in trust or confidence b : holding in trust c : depending on public confidence for value or currency Fiduciary is a weird legal word that has become a lightning rod from Wall Street to Washington DC. In a nutshell, fiduciary is the standard of care which requires financial professionals to put the interests of their clients’ first. Seems like a pretty obvious and basic principle, that should be the standard when someone is talking about your money, right? Well, you may be surprised as to learn that the majority of the financial services industry has long been held to a lower standard, which was called “suitability.” Suitability meant that any financial product that was sold had to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest. The problem is that most investors have been unaware of the different standards that have applied for all of these years. Enter the the Department of Labor (DOL), which in the afte