Starseed Radio Academy

Jonas and the Mountain: A Metaphysical Love Story



Janis Harper is a writer, singer-songwriter, actor, and former adjunct English professor turned expressive arts therapist. Her writing can be found in literary journals and anthologies, including two creative nonfiction anthologies that she conceived and edited, Body Breakdowns: Tales of Illness and Recovery and Emails From India: Women Write Home, and music from her CD "Better This Way" can be found online.  At 14 years of age, Janis was chanting for an hour a day in front of her Buddhist shrine, and at 17 she was immersed in the Seth material. Both eastern nondualism and western metaphysics have occupied her throughout her life, and her practice has vacillated between years spent involved with channeling and psychic activity to years in quiet meditation and clear mind. The attempt to reconcile these two paths is the impetus for this novel’s birth. In Jonas and the Mountain, she gives Jonas the job of figuring it all out.  Although it looks like a novel, it’s really semi-autobiographical, and she considers i