Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#196: My secret to entrepreneurship



I know there are so many ‘secret’ weapons out there when it comes to business, but here me out!  This is one that I believe also deeply serves us in all aspects of our lives - It is the ability to remain open.  We live in a world where it is extremely easy for us to close ourselves off - to getting help, to believing in ourselves, to taking risks, to learning, to believing that things can change, to hearing competing points of view, to respecting someone even when we don’t agree with them, to name a few.  A key in business is remembering that remaining open to things gives us an advantage because most people don’t. We need to remain open to learning new things, trying new things, believing in something that has yet to manifest itself, believing in ourselves even if we don’t know what we're doing yet.  This week on the podcast I dive deeper into this topic of remaining open and how it has helped me get to this point where I am now… happy, fulfilled, financially successful, operating multiple businesses, doing