Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 77: How to remain adaptable in the face of institutional barriers



We've all heard the phase, "the only constant in life is change". For people of color, and people from historically marginalized groups - we often have to adapt to the workplace in more ways than one. For us, the question becomes how do we level up our adaptability so that we are better able to thrive in our careers, rather than just cope with them? How do we remain adaptable when faced with institutional barriers in our careers? In this week's episode, guest William A. Adams pulls on his background as an award-winning D&I innovator, engineering trailblazer, and philanthropist to answer these challenging questions and more. Adams' mission is to help Blacks & people of color own a stake in technology development, and with his advice, you can be part of the movement too. Keep up with William A. Adams: