
Ep. 104: Where nature meets tech -ft. Jonathan Webb, AppHarvest



ep. 104: Jonathan Webb || where tech embraces nature in controlled growing environments "To feed the population of 2050 we'll need to grow more food than we have in the entire history of human agriculture. That's what keeps me up at night. That's a need for more food than the previous 10,000 years of human food production combined," explains Jonathan Webb. A Kentucky native, Webb first made a name for himself in building-out clean energy infrastructure throughout Appalachia. In starting AppHarvest, Webb returned home to his Blue-Grass state roots to build-out a large-scale state-of-the-art value-based food production operation that is truly disrupting the apple cart. As you'll hear once again in this conversation, 'Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness'. --- NEW EXPECTATIONS FOR THE SALAD PLATE & FRUIT BOWL Something that I found especially insightful in my conversation with Jonathan was his storyline about regional food systems. He draws-upon an analogy of shipping coal to support growth of c