That's A Thing?!




Here are some of the things we mentioned in this episode:   Susan Sontag’s Notes On “Camp”Or a six-minute explainer if you don’t have the time The shortcomings of CinemaSins The even-shorter-comings of Nostalgia Critic About KiwiFarms, one of the most unpleasant sites on the surface web Interview with the creator of Leave Britney Alone A case study for toxic anti-fandom behaviour: gamergate Callback to a long-ago episode where we talked about shipping A look at both sides of the shipping warAnd a look at the history of purity culture in fandom Twitter thread on disinterpretation And a video on Ship of Theseus  The history of the “touch grass” meme Tennessee school board bans Holocaust comic 'Maus' by Art Spiegelman A more sympathetic analysis of Why the Curtains are Blue Fortunately, we have entered a boom period for criticism online. Here are five excellent videos expanding on what we discussed this episode. we need to talk about Call Me By Your Name by Lola Sebastian Should you let Gen Z "save us