Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: APRS Follow-up (Listener Q&A)



A few weeks back, on our first APRS show Kenneth Finnegan (W6KWF) helped explain the APRS Protocol.  Since that time, we've asked for and received a number of listener questions.  In this episode of the Ham Radio 360 Podcast we delve into those questions to further understand this 'thing' called APRS! (4:00) Paths? What do they mean, and What do I use? 2. (28:00) My APRS won't show on aprs.fi when using my 5w HT? Why won't my APRS messaging work? RF Gate, I-Gate or both? 3rd Party Traffic Questions. SMSGTE Is APRS used on other bands? 30m Robust Packet Why does APRS only use the 144.390 frequency? 3. (49:00) How do I digipeat through the ISS? Can I use APRS to monitor my off-grid cabin conditions? What is the Next Generation of APRS-can it be like ADS-B? How is APRS developed?  Is it developed? What is the architecture of APRS-IS? What are the uses of APRS that aren't GPS tracking? Why do all APRS websites suck? Where's the documentation? Faraday RF, is it operational with