Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Tax Savings Strategies to Preserve Wealth and Keep More Income



Compassionate Capitalism is about strategically investing to maximizing impact through the growing of wealth for the investor and the entrepreneurs that recieve those investment dollars to grow their business to create their own wealth.   An important part of creating generational wealth and to maximize the dollars you have to invest is in entrepreneur endeavors as a crowd fund or angel investor is to understand the tax advantages of using certain products and methods to shield your wealth and income from the tax man.  Karen Rands is joined by Charles Theisen on this episode to talk about an Inside Secret the ultra wealthy use to preserve their wealth for future generations and to maximize their retained income.   Charles Theisen is a sought after speaker, wealth strategist and a business maverick. Charles business philosophy  empowers his clients to “Keep” more of what they earn and to follow the quote from John D. Rockefeller…”The Path to Success is to Own Nothing and Control Everything” through his one of