Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Lean Startup In Practice> Compassionate Capitalism with Max Mirho > EntrepreNerd



This episode of the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast brings a live conversation with Karen Rands and Max Mrho Learn about Lean Startup processes in practice.  Max Mirho works with young entrepreneurs to teach them how they can validate their business idea with tools readily available and identify their authentice customer before spending all the money, and investors' money,  to start-up.  Max Mirho is the host of a weekly live stream series called EntrepreNerd, where he conducts experiments live to educate on the accessibility of entrepreneurship through no-code tools and customer discovery. Max's philosophy: there's a process to entrepreneurship.  To prove that, he experiments with it every saturday, (6:30-8:00pm EST) live on LinkedIn and Twitch, by building mini-startups, side hustles, and lifestyle businesses all on camera. https://www.entreprenerd.blog/ On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxmirho/ Karen Rands is the founder of the Compassionate Capitalist Movement and nationally renowned expert i