Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

VIC Investor Network co-manager discussing the art of building companies around innovation



Karen Rands is joined by Dr. Calvin Goforth on this episode of The Compassionate Capitalist Podcast Radio to discuss their approach to identifying breakthrough innovation to build and fund companies around R&D from Govt and Universities. As the co-founder and CEO of VIC Technology Venture Development, Dr. Goforth has extensive experience in start-up company development.  To date, VIC has formed 14 portfolio companies based on promising technologies, raised over $140 million in capital, and is expanding to additional sites across the United States.  By 2020, VIC will be forming ten high impact healthcare technology companies each year.  While VIC’s main focus is on forming healthcare related companies, they also have founded companies in high impact areas such as clean water, food safety, and automotive crash safety. Listen & learn about the VIC's formula for success for assembling the teams that can take an idea, validate it, commercialize, and generate profitable operations from it.  Both entrepr