Oil And Gas Startups Podcast

Marc L’heureux | Founder of Social Octane on Energy Crue



Want to thank The Tasting Room for setting Marc L'heureux (Founder - Social Octane) and me up with a space and a bottle of vino for our conversation. Really enjoyed hearing Marc discuss how he got into the oilfield working in the field for 15+ years before getting into corporate sales in Denver. While in Denver he saw a need for community and events to bring our industry together as well as include those outside our industry, thus beginning Social Octane. We discussed what’s occurring in our industry, telling stories not numbers, connecting people, industry advocacy and much more. We also discussed their upcoming Oil & Gastby upcoming party, that supports another cause he’s passionate about: p&a orphaned wells. Check them out as it’s a great cause! Sponsored by Wellsite Navigator…pretty much the Waze for lease roads, check them out and stop getting lost on the way to location! https://fbuy.io/wellsite/energycrue