Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0024 - Tu Esi You are



In today’s episode Jack will mention Grūto Parkas near the Lithuanian city of Druskininkai.  By mentioning this controversial park, Jack and I are not commenting on the right or wrong of the park’s existence.  Some people like the park, some people hate it, some people don’t care.  We’re simply saying the park is of interest for some tourists.  Of course millions of people died savagely at the hands of monsters like Lenin and Stalin and no mass murderers should receive a place of honor in any nation. būti                   verb meaning, “to be" aš esu               I am tu esi                you are (familiar) jis yra               he is ji yra                she is jūs esate           you are (formal) jūs esate           you all are mes esame       we are jie yra              they are jos yra             they are (females) namas              house vardas              name knyga               book ir                      and brolis                brother sesuo                sister Lithu