Coffee & Change

Episode 88 - Peace And Change With Steve Killelea



Today’s conversation is one that the universe brought to my inbox and my attention when the world is thinking and wondering about peace in our time. Just this week you have probably heard or read headlines that seem to jump from another era, right out of the pages of our history books. Negotiations, summits, talks, strained diplomacy, war games and alliances tested, it all leaves us with an ever evolving understanding about peace and conflict in our world. And my guest today is someone who thinks a great deal about peace in our time. Steve Killelea is a global philanthropist and founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace. Steve’s work lies squarely in the intersection of policy, philanthropy and purposeful public discourse. His research looks at the golden thread between business, peace and economic development and what he calls “Positive Peace” - a model that embraces the attitudes, institutions, and structures required to create and sustain peaceful societies in our world. Steve’s work has been re