Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#198: The possibilities of web3 with Sierra Renee



I understand the resistance to learning new things. Which is why I want to sprinkle in little bits of here and there, because it adds up over time.    I truly feel this space of crypto/nft/web3 is going to change the world faster (but still over the course of a decade +) than anything else in modern history. We’re still so early in its creation, which is why I want more good hearted, visionary people inside of it.    As entrepreneurs, it’s an easier bridge over into this new territory as we’re already used to learning new things, taking risks, and seeing the potential in things that aren’t fully formed yet.    I wanted to interview someone who has immersed themselves in the crypto/nft/web3 ecosystem, that has a background in traditional product/service based businesses, to come on and share their experience and passion for the space.    Meet Sierra Renee, a serial entrepreneur (runs + created product and service based businesses) who has extended her savviness into the web3 world.    In this week's podcast ep