Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

HRWB043-Winter Field Day and More BayCon 2018



If you haven't done so, please take our survey!  http://survey.hamradioworkbench.com/ George is down with the Flu, so Mark “Smitty Halibut” Smith KR6ZY guest hosts this week.  We debrief on Winter Field Day and talk about the battery projects on KF7IJZ’s workbench and the antenna project on KR6ZY’s workbench.  Finally we share additional sessions from BayCon 2018.  First Pieter Noordhuis KK6VXV talks about developing software for working GOES Weather Satellites.  Finally, Tim Fairbairn AF6TF talks about Summits on the Air (SOTA). Smitty KR6ZY Twitter - https://twitter.com/smittyhalibut YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/SmittyHalibut New Ham Radio Workbench Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamradioworkbench/ Winter Field Day - https://www.winterfieldday.com/ New Digilent Analog Discovery 2 Bundle Exclusive for Ham Radio Workbench listeners!  The regular price would be $339, but Digilent is offering a discount code for $100 off!  The bundle includes: Analog Discovery 2 BNC Adapter Board