Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

HRWB033-BITX40 Hacks, Mods, and Upgrades



The BITX40 is a $60 Arduino controlled 7 watt QRP SSB 40 meter transceiver designed and built by Ashar Farhan VU2ESE.  They are available as a “kit” from http://www.hfsigs.com/ .  The assembly only involves soldering wires for things like speakers, power, and microphones and also finding a suitable case.  We originally spoke about the BITX40 back in Episode 26 (http://hamradio360.com/index.php/2017/06/20/ham-radio-360-workbench-26-the-bitx40-transceiver-an-introduction/) Mark “Smitty” Smith KR6ZY is back with us again to share with us the modifications and upgrades he’s made to the original BITX40 over the summer.  In this episode, we discuss adding upper sideband capabilities, adding an IF shift, and even multibanding the radio!  Smitty shares lots of great resources and ideas in this episode of the Workbench. Smitty KR6ZY can be found online on twitter @smittyhalibut (https://twitter.com/smittyhalibut) and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/SmittyHalibut Cale K4CDN is taking a much deserved break fo