Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#018 The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Working Out



Hi everyone! I'm Georgiana; founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help YOU speak English fluently. In this episode: I’ll talk about the importance of moving and studying English. After that, we’ll practice grammar with a point of view story. Ok, let’s get started! Let me ask you a question. Imagine a person learning English. He or she’s preparing to study a new lesson. How do you picture the scene? Perhaps this person’s sitting at home or in a quiet library with an open textbook, a dictionary, and a notebook. Maybe this person has been sitting for hours, almost motionless, trying to learn and memorize the content. At least that's the typical image that pops into my mind whenever I imagine an English student following the traditional method. Now let's visualize a different scene. Imagine someone walking around. Their whole body's moving. The feet transmit movement to the legs and to the entire body. The arms are swinging slightly, and the brain receives more oxygen. You can't be too lethargic