Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

What to send your list in March 2022 | Ep. 210



This month we're bring back the wheel picker because in honor the Back To Business Free Bundle going on March 7 - March 11, 2022... I'm randoming picking email ideas from the 30 free newsletter templates I'm giving away as part of the Back To Business Free Bundle - click here to get on the waitlist to get early access to all the goodies.  Links mentioned: Get a free month of the $29 plan from Convertkit. I'm so happy we are switching over to them. You have no idea.  Free Class - The Cookie Webinar: How to write emails so good they lick the screen.  Click to watch now for free.  The random wheel number picker (be warned it likes to pick similar numbers.    Take the guest work out of hosting your own free bundles with all the templates and resources inside of the Collaboration Cashin the price is going up in March.  Stars: Have you left Inbox Besties any stars yet? If you got value out of this episode I'd sure appreciate it.  Are we Instagram buddies yet? @kate_doster