What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#288 Keith Ferrazzi - Transforming Organizations Through Radical Adaptability & Collaboration



 Keith Ferrazzi is a bestselling author, award-winning speaker, investor, philanthropist, and executive team coach who helps teams transform enterprises. As Founder and Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight and its applied research institute, he coaches executive teams in top organizations to achieve transformative outcomes by harnessing Radical Adaptability and Co-Elevation®. He is recognized as one of the world’s most sought-after executive team coaches.  Ferrazzi is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of his new book COMPETING IN THE NEW WORLD OF WORK: How Radical Adaptability Separates the Best from the Rest. He's also the author of Who’s Got Your Back, Never Eat Alone, Leading Without Authority, and Competing in a New Work World. He formerly served as CMO and Head of Sales at Deloitte and Starwood Hotels.   Fast Company Leadership Hall of Famer and Toastmaster’s 2018 Golden Gavel Award Winner, Ferrazzi’s keynotes tap into the hearts and minds of attendees and challenge them to welcome change and embrace i