The Touch Mba Admissions Podcast

#57 HKUST MBA Admissions Q&A with Sean Ferguson



What is relatively unique about the HKUST MBA? #1 ranked Asian MBA program in the world by Financial Times past 5 years Finish the program in 12 or 16 months Most international MBA program in Hong Kong, usually 25-30 nationalities represented in 120 person class; 95% of class is from outside Hong Kong HKUST has great exchange relationships - participants are guaranteed exchange spots with nearly 60 MBA programs around the world Financial Times rated HKUST's faculty #1 for research in Asia Strong reputation for Finance - 40-50% of graduates work in Finance A Good Fit for You if: You are interested in careers in Hong Kong and China - even though 80% of the class is non-Chinese, 50% of graduates stay in Hong Kong to work and 23% work in China You want to live, study and work in one of Asia's financial capitals; Hong Kong hosts over 6,000 MNCs and 70 of the top 100 banks You're looking to build a career and network in a fast growing region with a lot of potential upside, and get the prestige of a top-ranked pr