Coffee & Change

Episode 89: The Bending Curve Of Change With David Nour



On today’s episode, I am honored to welcome David Nour. David has an incredible story rooted in resilience, co-creation and lasting change. David is not only the CEO of The Nour Group, a business he built after 20 years of professional practice, but also a great citizen, father, husband, son and storyteller. We delve into some of his story in this episode, and uncover the many tales we share in common as well as explore the new reality of the world around us both. David has written 11 books and is working on his 12th while rewriting some of his early work to reflect today’s challenges in building relationships and the importance of understanding the indelible imprint moments that make us who we are. I want to extend David a big thank you, or SEPAS, MERCI as they say is Persian, for his generosity and time in joining on the podcast. You can find out more about David at