Podcast Junkies

088 Erik Johnson | Stop Copying Someone Else's Voice!



Erik Johnson discovered radio while he was studying architectureand has never looked back. He has been in the radio industry since1989 and currently helps podcasters cultivate their voice andtalent. Erik shares a bit of his story, the importance of silencein conversations, and some of the common mistakes new podcasterstend to make – like try to mimic someone else's voice. Tune in formore! 04:15 - Erik has been in radio since 1989. 05:10 - When Erik first started in radio, he tried to learneverything he could. He loves to learn. 05:50 - Does Erik have a teacher or mentor that also has such astrong desire to learn? 08:20 - What is a program director? 09:45 - Erik has a degree in architecture, but he fell out oflove with it after three years. 12:25 - How did Erik make the leap from architecture tobroadcasting? 13:45 - Erik hated speaking in front of people all throughouthigh school. 15:05 - It's just a matter of doing it enough until you're notscared anymore. 20:15 - Does Erik remember the separation be