Flying Sage Consulting

2.12 Alchemical Lightning Transmission - March 9th



COLLECTIVE CHANNELED HEALING SESSION • Typically not recorded yet received message to leave this one up. • Saturdays 11am Central & Wednesdays 7pm Central • Join Pauline to receive and relax in this healing energy transmission. • Pauline sees one-body for all in attendance. Transmissions are based on those attending live. • What you receive is for you on any level of your body, mind, emotion or spirit. • All sessions are Five Element Alchemy plus singing bowl throughout the transmission. *Please no driving during the sessions. Five Element Alchemy™ | Nature’s Ancient Wisdom For Evolving & Awakening Your Inner Sage I help seekers living unfulfilled achieve awareness, clarity, and self-actualization by connecting to the inner wisdom and brilliance of the sage within to evolve and become what they seek, and shine light into the world for all. Alchemy Academy: My mission is to bring the buried and hidden language of The Five Elements back to humanity. It is your right to