Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

199: Can blockchain technology change the world?



There is so much (and this seems common unfortunately) going on in the world right now that can make us feel overwhelmed.    I’ve been in many conversations with people asking ‘is there any hope of changing these systems’ and while all I have is my own opinion, I believe decentralization (which is KEY) and blockchain technology has the power to change the world.    I recently got back from ETHdenver, which is a conference dedicated to ecosystem of blockchain technologies that align with the values of ethereum (decentralized, open sourced, community oriented, giving power back to everyday people, creating systems not limited by geopolitical location, gender, race, age, work status, social economic status, even langage).    I listened to people speaking about reforestation efforts that utilize blockchain technology to cut through all the bureaucracy allowing them to plant trees 100x, sometimes 1000x faster than current systems.    I learnt about efforts to restistbute wealth and create basic income for people o