Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

The Only Woman in The Room



Today I want to introduce you to a book called, “The Only Women in the Room.”  I have felt like that many times over the last 25 years myself, and finally, someone has written a book about this.  If you have ever felt lost, alone, or lacking inspiration as a female real estate investor this book is for you.  This book is also for all the men out there that have helped women succeed in this business, and I know there are many that have done that. Real estate investing has always been a male-dominated field since I first started more than two decades ago.  It was just the way it was much like tradespeople were traditionally male. This book was compiled by a strong female investor by the name of Ashley L. Wilson.  It features 20 female real estate investors and their stories. To say it is a powerful book would be an understatement. Ashley L. Wilson There is a paragraph that Ashley wrote that I would like to share with you because it sums up my beliefs perfectly on this subject. Ashley says,” Why were women not i