Radi8 Radio

The Now World x Amnesty - Episode 12: Toxic Positivity, Women's Rights & Technology



In this first episode of a three-part series, Charlie, Anna and Elize discuss the dark sides of social media & toxic positivity. What is toxic positivity and what role does social media play in this? How are women structurally silenced on social media? What is the responsibility of social media platforms in this? How can social media help promote women's rights and increase awareness? All of these questions and more will be discussed in this episode.  Tune into their conversation about how social media is used to silence women & propel cycles of toxic positivity, but also has the potential of increasing representation.  Follow @amnestythehague & @letstalkaboutyes.leiden to stay updated on Amnesty's projects and the manifesto that will be signed on March 11th! And don't forget to follow this episode's guest @charlieisnotafraid to see the photos that accompanied the poem she recited at the start of the episode.  If you enjoyed this episode, you can let us know and send your thoughts a