Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

NinetyOne's Power: 'Boring' strategies have merit in these volatile times



Michael Power, strategist at NinetyOne, says that investors might be tempted to run away from the market, but there is no real place to hide with high inflation and low yields making it that the traditional safe-havens are losing  purchasing power. Power says that there is a possibility of recession arriving late last year or early in 2024, which makes diversification across asset types and around the globe prudent. Also on the show, Lou Harvey, president at DALBAR Inc., discusses the firm's research on asset-allocation models and about their new Prudent Asset Allocation method, which has adherents lock down the core of their nestegg but be more aggressive with their remaining holdings to produce bigger-but-safer results. Plus Carol Anderson of MQ Research and Education discusses how well financial advisers are building and retaining trust at a time when meetings are infrequent, and Chuck reads a special letter he received from an audince member who is about to have his pursuit of life overtake his pursuit of